How to Convert JPG to Text

If you need to convert jpg to text, you will need an OCR or document scanning program. Using this program, you will be able to edit the file as a text. You can then perform copy, cut, paste and other tasks associated with text editing. This guide uses Readiris software.

Step 1

Install the program (it works for Windows and Mac). Open the software after installing it. When the output message appears, click OK.

Step 2

Click “open” and choose the jpg image. Select the file and press OK. The program will scan the image after it is loaded.

Step 3

An analysis of the image will be done. Next, it will load into the main screen. The text areas will be highlighted with numbers. Now you can redefine, remove or renumber the zones as necessary. You may also reorder them if you want.

Step 4

After you have finished editing the zones, you can now convert jpg to text. Click the export icon. Now you can set up the output settings and format. If the image is simple, you can use RTF. If there are images and graphics, save the file as HTML or PDF. Click OK after making your choices.

Step 5

Click “Recognize” symbol. Click the “save” button. The program will now start sorting through the image. It will convert everything into text. When it is finished, you can use any text editor to open this file.

Other Information

The time it takes to convert the image will vary depending on the size of the jpg. If there is only text, it won’t take too long. If there are lots of images and graphics, it will take while.

Finding OCR Software

Unlike other programs, finding document scanning software can be difficult. Even if you find one, some of them are difficult to use. Some applications do not use a GUI (graphical user interface). This means you have to change the jpg to text by typing commands. That can be uncomfortable for those used to working with a GUI.

Also keep in mind that the word detection capability varies per

application. However, these programs are always evolving. Reading reviews and updates will be necessary. Staying up to date on the technological innovations will be necessary.

If you find a program that can convert jpg to text, make sure to read the instructions thoroughly. It will be easier to perform the scanning. The procedures described above are for Readiris only.

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