How to Install Window Shades

Window shades are a great way to keep the room cool, keeping the heat of the sun at bay. They likewise make for excellent complements to your interior décor. Sometimes, curtains are placed over the shades for double heat protection as well as an added touch to the décor.

Most of the time however, the shades are enough to serve as an insulation and a decorative add-on to any room. If you’re only now considering installing shades, there are a few things that you need to look into prior.

What Type of Shades Do You Want?

Before looking up guides on how to install window shades, you first have to decide what type of shades you want: roller shades, Roman shades, sheer shades pleated or cellular shades. The style of each one varies which means that you have quite a few options for shades that will complement the room’s décor.

Next, you have to decide whether you want an outside mount or an inside mount. You also have to check the size of the window.

If the window is too large that there is no ready-made shade size that will fit into it, you may have to contact a supplier that accepts custom-made orders for shades and blinds.

You may also check the size to see if two shades will instead fit your large-sized window. If this is the case, you will have to determine if your window size may be equally partitioned into two parts.

Otherwise, your best option is to have your shades custom-made to accommodate your window size.

How to Install Windows Shades

Now that you’ve taken care of the first part of installing shades, the next part is the actual installation.

You should know that whether you choose an inside mount or outside mount installation, the general process for both is the same except for the part where you will be placing the mounting brackets.

Inside Mount – For inside mount shades, the brackets should be installed from the inside of the jambs – one on each side. Position each bracket a few inches from each side of the jamb. Make sure that the brackets are level.

Outside Mount – The brackets will be positioned on or beyond the frame. It is recommended that the brackets be installed directly on each side of the frame rather than outside of it. Install the brackets on each side of the frame and check if they are level.

The number of brackets for both types of mounting may vary depending on the size of the shades. If brackets for both types of mounting are not level, you may insert a shim to make them even.

Once you’ve secured the brackets, attach the shades with the bracing screws that came with the brackets.

Note: When you purchase your shades, check to see that all the brackets and screws are complete so you won’t hit delays in the installation of the window shades.

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