Resistance Training

What is Resistance Training?

Resistance training involves exercises that allow the muscles to develop tone, strength, bulk and endurance by causing the muscles to contract while an external force is applied. Typically, the resisting force can be an object with a set weight like a dumbbell, bricks, containers filled with water or one’s own body weight. Once enough resistance is applied the muscles will contract sufficiently to ensure their development.

What are the Advantages of Resistance Training?

Resistance training can be very beneficial to anyone. It allows the body to build muscle while also strengthening the bones. It is especially important for women who are approaching menopause who may be losing bone mass. Good muscle tone also contributes to improved metabolic rate leading to a lowered incidence of obesity. In general, people who exercise have a reduced risk of dying from heart attack, stroke and illnesses that are related to a sedentary lifestyle. If you are trying to lose weight, resistance training combined with aerobics and a diet tailored to weight loss can provide phenomenal results. Once the techniques are applied properly, the effects should be apparent within months. Arms, legs and buttocks will appear more toned and you will find that you have more energy and are able to  accomplish more tasks in any given day. You don’t need expensive equipment to begin resistance training. Exercises that use your own body weight like push-ups and lunges are an excellent way to develop muscle and improve overall health. Most people will see the benefits of resistance training routine scheduled for 3 times per week.  Remember to stretch to prepare the body for physical exertion.

What will I achieve with resistance training?

You will notice that you are stronger and more toned. Muscle development will be more obvious in men than in women, but women will still notice that they are firmer and tighter. Because muscle tone begins to decline after age 30, resistance exercises can help to reverse the aging process by re-building lost muscle.

Women at highest risk for osteoporosis should consider resistance exercises to combat the degenerative disease. In conjunction with calcium, the condition can be improved. Resistance training helps to re-build loss bone density and maintain bone strength.

Resistance training may also decrease blood pressure. If your goal is improved circulation then resistance exercises may possibly be the best alternative to taking excessive amounts of medication.

Resistance training will also help to increase your metabolic rate which will help to maintain your ideal weight.

What do I need to start resistance training?

You may begin by using your own body weight; over time you may need to increase the amount of resistance using weights and/or specialized exercise equipment. When using weights be careful not to bend your back improperly as this may lead to pain or injury. It is always best to seek the advice of a professional instructor who can develop a routine specifically tailored to your needs and show you how to lift weights correctly.

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