Symptoms of Chlamydia

What is Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a disease that is transferrable during sexual intercourse. It is also the most frequently reported sexually transmitted disease (STD). Chlamydia is developed from a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis; this bacterium has the ability to damage the reproductive organs of a woman. Chlamydia can be described as a “silent but deadly” STD, this means there are little, or no indications that you have been infected, but it may cause severe complications which results in permanent damage, these damages usually include infertility of a woman, and continuous penile secretion in males.

Who can become infected with Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is usually transmitted vaginally, anally, or orally, and a mother may pass this infection on to her child during childbirth. Every individual that is sexually active is exposed to Chlamydia, especially in cases where a condom has not been used. An individual with multiple sex partners has a greater risk of becoming infected. Since the cervical area of most young women is not fully developed, they are usually the ones most prone to infection.

What are the symptoms of Chlamydia?

Symptoms of Chlamydia are usually undetectable until about three weeks after infection. The symptoms of Chlamydia in women usually include irregular vaginal discharge, or they may experience a burning sensation when they urinate. If Chlamydia travels from the cervix to the fallopian tubes, the infected woman may experience pain in the lower section of her abdomen; some women may not feel any pain at all. Other symptoms of Chlamydia in women includes pain in the lower section of the back, nausea which generally leads to vomiting, discomfort during sexual intercourse, increase in the body’s temperature, as well as bleeding after the menstrual cycle has ended. Chlamydial infection of the cervix may become extended to the rectum.

Symptoms of Chlamydia in men may include secretion form the penis, as well as discomfort during urinating. They may also experience a tingling sensation around the entrance of the penis. In rare cases the testicles are enlarged, and become painful to touch. Receptive anal intercourse is not uncommon in male and female relationships, and as such, those who practice it may get Chlamydial infection in their rectum. Chlamydial infection in the rectum usually causes discomfort when passing stools, as well as bleeding and secretion from the rectum area. The infection can also be present in the throats of individuals that have oral sex with someone who is infected.

How to prevent Chlamydia

The best way to avoid Chlamydia is to abstain from sex or maintain a mutually long-term relationship with only one partner that does regular tests, and has been proven to be infection free. It this seems impossible the use of condom and femi-doms can minimize your chances of becoming infected. A pregnant woman with Chlamydia can reduce her chances of passing it on to her child by avoiding vaginal birth. It is necessary to do testing with your partner to avoid passing it on to each other.

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