How to Draw a Cat

Cats are very versatile and agile creatures. They strike poses from cute looks, lying down bored, looking slyly, or even just standing there looking head on. The complex patterns you see on their fur also add to the challenge on how to draw a cat. The difficulty also lies in balancing how the legs and the rest of the body would look like to the torso.

If you break down the process on how to draw a cat into logical steps then things will be made easier. Of course when you begin to draw one you shouldn’t expect to get the best looking cat the first time. It would be great if you have a cat at home to observe. You can check how it sits, stands, and sleeps.

Start With Basic Shapes

Before you think of drawing a really life-like and elaborate drawing of your furry friend, you should start with the basic shapes. Starting with these basic shapes you can add details and modify according to your desired outcome. You begin how to draw a cat with these basic shapes pretty much the same way you would draw almost anything like human faces, dogs, or other drawing subjects.

Basic Steps on How to Draw a Cat

Drawing the Head: Most people start drawing animals from the head and there’s a good reason for it. Starting with the head you can make it the center of your piece and draw the rest of your subject around it. To draw the head simply start by making a circle.

The next part of the head you should draw would be the eyes. They’re usually placed at the center. Your cat’s eyes should be in the shape of almonds, however there are also round shaped cat eyes. With that in mind you take your pick on how to draw a cat’s eyes. You usually make straight lines or oblong shaped pupils.

The next thing you add to the head is the nose, which can easily be drawn as a letter ‘V’. A vertical line underneath the nose ending in either an inverted ‘V’ or a ‘W’ will serve as the mouth. Lastly, you add the ears on your cat’s head.

Drawing the Body

With the head completed you may add the body, which can be an oblong or an upside-down pear for a body. You then add the legs using straight lines. Each paw can be drawn as three U-shapes. You may add claws at the end of your cat’s paws, but that’s optional and it would depend on what pose you’re trying to make. You then add the tail at the end of your cat’s torso.

Touching Up on the Details

The last phase on how to draw a cat would be to put in the little details. You can add stripes, fur patterns, whiskers, and shades. With a more practice you can come up with additional tricks to make your cat more realistic.

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