Ways to Prevent a Stroke

Studies have shown that stroke is a leading cause of lifetime disabilities such as speech impairment, limited movement on one side of the body and in severe cases, paralysis.

A stroke can be easily identified by various stroke symptoms.

Strokes can occur at any time and at any age. Considered as a silent killer, it is said that every minute around the world, someone is suffering from stroke. This being said, it is important to recognize the risk factors that can induce a stroke and take the necessary precautionary steps to prevent this from happening.

Ways to Prevent a Stroke first involve taking note of the risk factors and addressing them.

Stroke Risk Factors

The most dangerous risk factor for a stroke is having a high blood pressure. Hypertension affects blood vessels that may result in blood clots. Ischemia or blood clots may result from hypertension and if these occur in the brain and neck, you just had what is called an ischemic stroke.

Smoking is another major risk factor for developing a stroke. Nicotine not only increases your blood pressure but it can also store fats in the neck’s major artery causing blockage and hampering blood flow to the brain.

Heart conditions are the third risk factors to consider. These may likewise impede regular blood flow to the brain which could ultimately cause strokes.

Diabetics are also in danger of having a stroke since diabetes may have negative effects on the blood vessels. If a patient had an increased blood glucose rate at the time of the stroke, the effects could be more severe.

Ways to Prevent a Stroke

Now that you know the risk factors involved in the development of a stroke, the next step is to work on these factors to prevent a stroke.

A change in lifestyle is important. Getting rid of bad eating habits as well as quitting on smoking are two very important steps in preventing a stroke from occurring.

By keeping physically fit through regular exercise, you have already reduced your risk of having a stroke by a considerable percentage. Regular exercise not only helps in strengthening the heart but it likewise lowers one’s blood pressure.

Reducing alcohol intake is also one of the effective ways to prevent a stroke. There have been studies associating excessive alcohol intake with hemorrhaging in the brain through ruptured blood vessels.

Lower down your cholesterol levels. Saturated fats increase cholesterol and a diet rich in this type of fat increased chances of a stroke. Cholesterol has been known to cling to the body’s arteries which over time, could result in blood clots.

By eliminating risk factors, one reduces the risk of having a stroke as well as enjoying the benefits of a good quality of life.

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