Causes of Acne

What is Acne?

The term Acne is used to define a condition of the skin that takes place when the skin’s oil glands have an overproduction of oil. As a result the oil which was originally produced to lubricate the skin, becomes trapped in clogged oil ducts and causes the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts.

What are the Causes of Acne?

Acne is usually caused by four major factors, these include obstruction of the skin pores, overactive oil glands, inflammation and activity of normal skin bacteria.

Obstruction of the skin pores

This is one of the most common causes of acne; it refers to the blockage of skin pores by shed skin cells that have been bundled together. There is no explanation for this bundling, but it usually obstructs the flow of oil through the oil glands to the skin’s surface. This often results in the formation of a blackhead, whitehead or both, thus leading to acne.

Overactive Oil Glands

This has been found be one of the common causes of acne for teenagers. Oil glands are sometimes referred to as sebaceous glands and can be found deep within the skin. Each gland is connected to a hair follicle and produces oil to lubricate them. The entrance of the skin to which the hair follicle is attached, is referred to as the skin pore.

Hormones stimulate the oil glands to produce oil, and during times of stress, the adrenal gland, tends to produce a higher level of these same hormones. This results in an enlargement of the oil glands, making them become overactive. Oil glands are often overactive in times of puberty, and as a result most teenagers experience acne problems.


An inflamed skin is one of the major causes of acne, and is usually associated with swelling and tenderness. The inflammation is often due to the immune system’s battle with the foreign element. The foreign element can be either bacteria or the substances they produce, which are usually blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, or pustules.

Activity of normal Skin Bacteria

Acne is not a result of bacterial infection but it does contribute to making the situation worse. Propionibacterium acnes can be found on the surface of the skin and it shields the skin from damaging bacteria. When the hair follicle becomes entrapped with oil, Propionibacterium acnes will grow in the clogged pore, this then adjusts the breakdown of the oil and causes the skin to be inflamed, this inflammation leads to acne.

How to get rid of Acne

Thanks to many dermatological creams and procedures today, acne can be cured. Each case of acne is different, and as such a specialist will be needed to recommend the right product or procedure for each case. Acne treatment can be as a simple as a prescription for an over-the-counter product or as severe as a dermatological surgery.

Simple tips on How to prevent Acne

  • Increase the amount of your daily water intake.
  • Avoid eating oily foods and sweets.
  • Drink a lot of cranberry juice.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Use facial products that will not clog your pores.
  • Wear your hair away from the face.

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