How to Paint a Car

There is nothing much better than to customize your very own car. People can actually add some accessories or change parts, but painting cars according to their distinctive tastes and designs is one of the best pleasures in life. Likewise, it is also one of the nicest ways of self-expression. By learning how to paint a car, achieving the best look for automobiles is much easier than ever.

Materials Needed

For people who want to learn how to paint a car, they need to follow certain steps that can eventually lead to successful results. First, gather all the needed materials before moving on to the actual process of painting. These include body urethane-based paint, wire and primer. This particular project also needs clear coat paint, body putty and grease remover.


Before painting, wash the car first. Use soap and water to remove dirt, dust and grime from the body of the vehicle. The paint finish is much better in the end by washing the car first before undergoing such kind of procedure. When cleaning the car, water is not enough to remove dirt and grime. For this reason, it is best to use a special grease remover to ensure that the vehicle is very clean. When grease remover in unavailable, other options for the job include mineral spirits and liquid charcoal starter.

Get sandpaper. Use it to smoothen some of the rough parts and areas of the vehicle. It is also important to cut static charges from the body. By doing this, the vehicle is free from dust and dirt. To do this, use a wire to connect the chassis frame with any grounded thing. Before beginning the painting process, make sure that the whole of the car is entirely dry.

It is also very important to cover parts of the car that do not need to be painted. Use masking tape to cover them. Make sure that they are covered properly so as not to be disappointed with the results. For the best results, use body putty to even out parts with patches. Wait for it to dry.

Before putting real paint, the car body needs primer. Apply the primer evenly on the entire vehicle. When the primer dries, use the sandpaper and then rub off rough parts. Choose the right color for the car. After purchasing the right color of urethane-based paint, use a spray gun to paint the vehicle evenly on all parts. Wait for at least 10 to 15 minutes, or until the paint dry off completely.

After finishing this step, spray the final coat of paint right into the vehicle’s body. This time, let it stand for about 30 to 90 minutes. When the final coat is finished, use three coats of clear paint. For every coat, let it dry for about 15 minutes each before applying the second one. Do the same step for the third coat. Wait until the third coat dries off completely.

Additional Tips and Information

Paint the car inside a place that is totally dry and free from wind. Choose high quality materials for this project, particularly the clear coat paint and urethane-based paint. Doing these simple things will guarantee best results.

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