How to Get Rid of Underarm Stains on Shirts

Knowing how to get rid of underarm stains on shirts is very important since stains can affect and weaken the quality of fabrics used in making the clothes. To successfully washout stains that are usually caused by sweat and deodorant, there are some materials to be prepared. In addition, it is important to follow some of the simple steps that is helpful in the removal of underarm stains on clothes.

Needed Materials

To wash out stains on shirts, you will use two aspirin tablets, four tablespoons baking soda, a tablespoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of white vinegar. Other materials and products that are effective in removing stains are a tablespoon of lemon juice and four tablespoons salt.


Avoiding Stains

Perspiration and deodorant are the usual causes of underarm stains on shirts. To prevent stains, avoid exposing shirts to heat because this can turn colorless stains into yellow stains. In this case, pre-soaking or pre-treating stains is very important.


Before washing clothes, shirts that have underarm stains should be soaked to a gallon of water with a tablespoon of white vinegar. Afterwards, mix ¼ cup of water with four tablespoons baking soda. Use a finger brush to scrub the paste to the clothes to wash out perspiration stains. A good alternative to baking soda is a meat tenderizer. Avoid using bleach because it contains chemicals that can darken perspiration stains.


After soaking the shirts, follow the simple steps in this post-soaking solution. Mix ½ cup of water with a tablespoon of ammonia. Spread the mixture in the affected portion of the clothes. If this solution fails to remove the stains, mix ½ cup of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice and soak the armpits in the mixture for one to two hours.

Other Solution

If all of the solutions mentioned above fail to wash out underarm stains, and then try the aspirin solution. Dissolve two aspirin tablets in ½ cup water. Soak the affected portion of the cloth in the solution for three hours. Wash with detergent soap and dry.

Dry Cleaning

Old stains are hard to treat or remove. For your convenience, it is best to bring the shirts with underarm stains to professional dry cleaners. In most instances, old stains are removed by dry cleaning because there are different tools and cleaning agents that dry cleaners use to get rid of underarm stains on shirts.

Eliminating Foul Odor

To eliminate foul odor caused by stains, dissolve four tablespoons of salt in a gallon of water. Soak the clothes in the solution for at least ten hours. Wash with detergent soap and dry.

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